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We handle returns on a case-by-case basis with the ultimate goal of making our customers happy. We stand behind our goods and services and want customers to be satisfied with them. We’ll always do our best to take care of customers—our philosophy is to deal with them fairly and reasonably. We have long believed that when we treat our customers fairly, they in turn are fair with us. We apply refunds to the tender with which returned items were purchased. If we choose to provide a refund and no record of sale is available, we’ll ask for personal identification and a refund will be provided at the current price on your payment order.

Need to make a return? We no longer send return labels with orders, but you can still print your own prepaid label, get a QR code to use at eligible USPS locations, or make your return in-store.
We are now accepting returns of eligible bmnewshop and items in bmnewshop stores. Items purchased at bmnewshop or are not eligible for refund to a bmnewshop store. Returns must be processed at the store where they were originally purchased.